Hey Marketer - it's time to get all your resources "in order" with the HubDB
Resource app

hubdb resources app editor

Filter, sort & rearrange your resources. (so dang easy)

Getting your resources in one place on your website has never been easier. Watch how easy it is for Ryan, with a few clicks of a button, to create a HubDB database, populate the information and push the information to a HubSpot CMS website.

Graphic showing Boldstack logo connecting to HubSpot logo

Built for HubSpot (users)

If your website is hosted on the HubSpot CMS then you are fully aware of how hard it can be to navigate or build database applications without the knowledge of code. We took that pain and turned it into a gain.

Easy step-by-step directions

Add your table name, decide if you want your content filterable and grouped into common themes and build out a resource library designed with flexibility in mind.

hubdb resources table editor add new hubdb table

Manage your data seamlessly

Adding, sorting and maintaining your resource library is a cinch. Just login, click on your resource library and add, sort or remove resources. Just like that. Easy-peasy.

hubdb resources app cards

Want this app? We'll send you over to the HubSpot App Marketplace to get it.